
Looking for Something?

Discover a new outdoor hobby

Outdoor Active

For Autistic youth & adults in Kelowna to get together and enjoy the great Okanagan outdoors!

In collaboration with CRIS Adaptive Adventures.


Youth, Adult


Interior BC


Fall, Winter, Spring


Outdoor Active is a weekly program for youth and adults on the spectrum to try new activities, like hiking, biking and showshoeing in the great outdoors.

The program is offered in Kelowna in collaboration with CRIS Adaptive Adventures.

Program Structure

  • Each session of the program consists of 1.5 hours, once per week, for multiple weeks.
  • Sessions for this program may vary throughout the year. It is typically offered in Fall (mid-October to late November), Winter (late January to early March) and Spring (mid-April to late May).
  • Participants will be supported (if necessary) by a program leader, activity instructors, support workers, and volunteers.

*For the most up to date program details, visit canucksautism.ca/guide

Supports Provided

At Canucks Autism Network, we recognize that each individual on the spectrum is unique. All individuals across the autism spectrum are welcome in our programs.

Activities will be led by instructors from CRIS Adaptive Adventures. Additional support will be provided by a CAN program leader and support workers.

We strive to meet the unique needs of each program participant through conversation and collaboration. Please do not hesitate to contact our Recreation Specialist at mark.comfort@canucksautism.ca with any questions.

Program Criteria

  • Participants must meet session’s age requirements (ie 13yrs+) as of the day of the program start
  • Be registered with the CAN Community
  • Individuals across the autism spectrum are welcome
  • Commitment to attend session on a weekly basis (See Attendance Policy)

Autistic individuals ages 13+ no longer require a formal autism diagnosis in order to participate in CAN youth and programs. Learn more.

Stay informed

View the Program Guide for the latest program information.

Please check canucksautism.ca/health for the most-up-to-date information regarding CAN programming.

Have feedback? We’d love to hear from you!

Registration opens seasonally

Registration opens 6-8 weeks before the start of each season:

  • Fall (Sep-Dec): Reg opens mid-Aug
  • Winter (Jan-Mar): Reg opens mid-Nov
  • Spring (Apr-Jun): Reg opens mid-Feb

Full program & reg details for the current/upcoming season can be found at canucksautism.ca/guide.

Don’t miss a registration date!
All important dates are communicated in the monthly newsletter.

Missed a registration period?
Programs that still have space remaining will open for late registration.

Email: info@canucksautism.ca